Birth Plan for Grace Anne or John Edward Nugent

Written by Mom - Revised May 16, 2002

We have known for months that our unborn baby is very ill and not expected to live very long. We have made an informed decision to carry this baby to term and keep our baby as long as possible. It is our priority to have our baby born alive. Please honor our request to preserve the dignity of our baby's special life.

  1. We would like staff to be informed and aware of the situation. If possible we would like to visit and meet the staff before the delivery.
  2. In order to maximize the chance of a live birth, we would like the baby to be delivered by scheduled c-section. Chris would like an epidural and pain relief. We also want the baby to be monitored as well as Chris. Chris wants to be aware, alert and present for the delivery and afterward.
  3. We would like staff to know we are waiting to see if it is a boy or a girl at delivery. If the baby is a girl we would like her to be referred to as Grace. If the baby is a boy we would like him to be referred to as John.
  4. We would like the doctor to cut the cord. This is the baby's lifeline to us and it may be hard to do.
  5. We request that our baby be immediately handed to Mom/Dad depending on the circumstances.
  6. If a nurse or technician could take pictures at this time, we would appreciate it. We will provide a polaroid camera to take a picture of our baby.
  7. We would like a social worker, nurse or staff member to give updates to family and friends waiting. When the baby is born, we ask that the picture of the baby be shown to waiting family members.
  8. Our baby will be baptized as soon as possible after cutting the umbilical cord. Since the delivery will be scheduled we will notify Father Steve from St. Patrick's to be present at the delivery. If this is not possible, Grandma Bernadette will do the baptism. We ask that the grandparents be present at this time if possible.
  9. We will have a parish priest come up as soon as ossible to bless our baby (baptism and confirmation).
  10. Since we don't know how long the baby will live, we want to spend as much time as possible after delivery and delay any procedures that can be put off till later.
  11. Our baby should be offered comfort care: feeding, athing, swaddling and holding by his/her parents and family.
  12. We would like to "room in" with our baby. If there are any procedures that need to be done to> the baby outside the room, Paul will go with the baby.
  13. P
  14. aul will have the option of spending the night with Chris in her room.
  15. T
  16. he baby will be breastfed, if he/she can. If he/she cannot, we wish to feed the baby with an eye dropper of extracted milk or formula before doing an IV.
  17. If it is possible, we are looking into Hospice to take our baby home. This depends on the baby's condition and health issues.
  18. If we are not able to take our child home, we wish to be with our baby and hold our baby at the time of death.
  19. If the baby dies, we want some time however long we decide to be together as a family alone.
  20. We would like to bathe/dress or baby.
  21. We would like to be alone, away from other newborns before and after the baby's birth.

Keepsakes Requested

  1. Bassinet Card
  2. Hats
  3. Baby blanket
  4. Photos
  5. Hospital ID Bracelet
  6. Handprints /Footprints
  7. Plaster molds of both hands and both feet
  8. Lock of hair

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